
रेफ़रल कोड (वैकल्पिक) Kucoin भारत 2024: QBSSSCKP

कुकोइन रेफरल कोड एक प्रकार का विशेष कोड है जो मौजूदा KuCoin उपयोगकर्ताओं को नए उपयोगकर्ताओं को प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर आमंत्रित करने के लिए दिया जाता है। इसे अक्सर “इन्वाइट कोड” या “प्रमोशनल कोड” के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। इसका उपयोग करने पर, नए उपयोगकर्ता कुछ विशेष लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, जैसे कि ट्रेडिंग शुल्क में छूट या बोनस रिवार्ड्स, जबकि रेफर करने वाले उपयोगकर्ता को भी कुछ प्रकार का इनाम मिल सकता है।

Kucoin भारत 2024

कुकोइन रेफरल कोड कैसे काम करता है?

रेफरल कोड प्राप्त करना: मौजूदा KuCoin उपयोगकर्ता अपने अकाउंट में लॉगिन करके और रेफरल सेक्शन में जाकर अपना व्यक्तिगत रेफरल कोड प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

KuCoin, एक प्रमुख क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक्सचेंज, भारतीय उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए एक आकर्षक ऑफर प्रस्तुत कर रहा है। यदि आप भारत से हैं और KuCoin पर नए हैं, तो रेफरल कोड QBSSSCKP का उपयोग करके पंजीकरण करने पर आपको KuCoin के भीतर दी जाने वाली अधिकतम छूट प्राप्त हो सकती है। यह अनूठा अवसर न केवल आपको प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर ट्रेडिंग शुल्क में भारी छूट प्रदान करता है, बल्कि आपको विभिन्न क्रिप्टोकरेंसियों में ट्रेडिंग करते समय अतिरिक्त लाभ भी देता है।

इस रेफरल कोड का उपयोग करना बहुत ही सरल है। KuCoin की वेबसाइट पर जाएँ, साइन अप प्रक्रिया पूरी करें, और जब आपसे रेफरल कोड पूछा जाए, तो QBSSSCKP दर्ज करें। इसके बाद, आपको स्वचालित रूप से उन लाभों के लिए पात्र माना जाएगा जो इस कोड के साथ आते हैं। यह नए उपयोगकर्ताओं को KuCoin प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर उनकी यात्रा शुरू करने में मदद करता है, जिससे उन्हें न केवल आर्थिक लाभ मिलता है, बल्कि यह भी सुनिश्चित होता है कि वे अपनी क्रिप्टोकरेंसी ट्रेडिंग यात्रा को सबसे अच्छे संभव तरीके से शुरू करें।

रेफ़रल कोड (वैकल्पिक) Kucoin भारत 2024

इस रेफरल कोड के साथ पंजीकरण करने का एक और महत्वपूर्ण लाभ यह है कि इससे आपको KuCoin कम्युनिटी का हिस्सा बनने में मदद मिलती है, जहाँ आपको क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के बाजार और ट्रेडिंग स्ट्रेटेजीज पर विस्तृत जानकारी और सहायता मिलेगी। यह आपको नवीनतम ट्रेडिंग टूल्स और फीचर्स तक पहुंच प्रदान करता है, जो आपके ट्रेडिंग अनुभव को और भी समृद्ध बना सकते हैं।

इसलिए, यदि आप भारत से हैं और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी ट्रेडिंग में अपने कदम रखना चाहते हैं या अपनी मौजूदा ट्रेडिंग क्षमताओं को बढ़ाना चाहते हैं, तो KuCoin के साथ रेफरल कोड QBSSSCKP का उपयोग करके पंजीकरण करें और अधिकतम छूट और लाभों का आनंद लें।

कोड का शेयर करना: उपयोगकर्ता अपने दोस्तों, परिवार, या सोशल मीडिया पर अपना रेफरल कोड शेयर कर सकते हैं।

नए उपयोगकर्ता का साइन अप: नए उपयोगकर्ता KuCoin प्लेटफ़ॉर्म पर साइन अप करते समय इस रेफरल कोड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।

लाभ प्राप्त करना: जैसे ही नया उपयोगकर्ता कोड का उपयोग करके साइन अप करता है और कुछ निश्चित शर्तों को पूरा करता है (जैसे कि एक निश्चित राशि का ट्रेड करना), दोनों पार्टियाँ—रेफर करने वाला और नया उपयोगकर्ता—कुछ लाभ प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

लाभ नए उपयोगकर्ता के लिए: नए उपयोगकर्ता को साइन अप करते समय ट्रेडिंग शुल्क में छूट, फ्री क्रिप्टोकरेंसी, या अन्य प्रमोशनल ऑफर्स मिल सकते हैं।

रेफर करने वाले उपयोगकर्ता के लिए: रेफर करने वाले उपयोगकर्ता को रेफरल बोनस के रूप में ट्रेडिंग शुल्क से कुछ प्रतिशत हिस्सा, या अन्य रिवार्ड्स मिल सकते हैं।

कैसे शुरू करें?

KuCoin अकाउंट बनाएँ: यदि आपके पास पहले से KuCoin अकाउंट नहीं है, तो पहले एक बनाएँ।

रेफरल सेक्शन में जाएँ: अपने KuCoin अकाउंट में लॉगिन करें और रेफरल सेक्शन पर जाएँ।

रेफरल कोड प्राप्त करें और शेयर करें: अपना व्यक्तिगत रेफरल कोड प्राप्त करें और इसे दोस्तों या सोशल मीडिया पर शेयर करें।

रिवार्ड्स का लाभ उठाएँ: जैसे ही नए उपयोगकर्ता आपके कोड का उपयोग करके साइन अप करते हैं और ट्रेडिंग शुरू करते हैं, आप दोनों को रेफरल रिवार्ड्स मिलने लगेंगे।

भारत सरकार और क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक्सचेंजों के बीच का रिश्ता हमेशा एक जटिल विषय रहा है। विगत वर्षों में, भारत में क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के विकास और इसकी वैधता को लेकर विभिन्न चर्चाएँ हुईं हैं। सरकार और विनियामक निकायों ने कभी-कभी क्रिप्टोकरेंसीज के प्रति सख्त रुख अपनाया है, जिससे बाजार में अनिश्चितता की स्थिति बनी रही। हालांकि, इस डिजिटल युग में, क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के महत्व और इसकी तकनीकी क्षमताओं को नकारा नहीं जा सकता, और भारत सरकार ने इसे पहचानते हुए कई बदलाव किए हैं।

अप्रैल 2024 का महीना भारत में क्रिप्टोकरेंसी और ब्लॉकचैन टेक्नोलॉजी के इतिहास में एक महत्वपूर्ण मोड़ साबित हुआ। KuCoin, जो कि एक वैश्विक क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक्सचेंज है, भारत में संचालित होने के लिए अधिकृत पहला और एकमात्र क्रिप्टोकरेंसी एक्सचेंज बन गया। यह निर्णय न केवल KuCoin के लिए, बल्कि भारतीय क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजार और इसके उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए भी एक बड़ी जीत थी।

इस ऐतिहासिक घटना के साथ, भारत सरकार ने क्रिप्टोकरेंसी को एक नियंत्रित वातावरण में विकसित होने का मौका दिया, जिससे निवेशकों को सुरक्षा और स्थिरता का आभास हो। KuCoin को अधिकृत करना न केवल भारतीय बाजार में उनके विश्वास को दर्शाता है, बल्कि यह भी संकेत देता है कि सरकार क्रिप्टोकरेंसी के क्षेत्र में नवाचार और विकास को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए खुली है।

KuCoin का भारत में विस्तार निश्चित रूप से देश में डिजिटल संपत्ति और ब्लॉकचैन टेक्नोलॉजी के प्रति जागरूकता और स्वीकार्यता को बढ़ावा देगा। इससे भारतीय निवेशकों को वैश्विक क्रिप्टोकरेंसी बाजारों से जुड़ने का अवसर मिलेगा, साथ ही यह स्थानीय स्तर पर नवाचार और उद्यमिता को भी प्रोत्साहित करेगा। भारत सरकार का यह कदम देश को डिजिटल आर्थिक विकास के नए युग में ले जाने की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव है।

KuCoin referral code: QBSSSCKP

When a person starts getting interested in cryptocurrencies, the first thing they find out is that they need to create an account on an exchange in order to be able to buy and sell cryptos.

One of the most famous exchanges for beginners is Kucoin (1 out of 4 cryptocurrency investors have a Kucoin account).

Maybe you don’t know exactly how to use an exchange yet and you are just learning how to register, so on the page where you fill in your details you have an option to use a referral code. In this article we will understand exactly what this is and what it is for.

What is the Kucoin reference code?

On the official Kucoin registration page, there is a “referral code (optional)” field, as shown in the picture below:

filling in the kucoin reference code QBSSSCKP

If you don’t have a referral code or don’t know what to put there, use the Kucoin referral code QBSSSCKKP in 2024 to get 20% off all fees at Kucoin. That discount is the best Kucoin offers, and not all codes guarantee that much discount.

The Kucoin reference code serves to encourage new users to create their account on the exchange by inviting others. By using a code, which is optional, both parties win: the user who spread the code earns money and the person who used the code guarantees discounts on the platform. So when you use the Kucoin reference code QBSSSCKKP in 2024 you are taking advantage of the best discounts the exchange can give.

Important: Risks related to the Kucoin exchange

KuCoin, like any cryptocurrency exchange, carries several risks. These can be broadly categorized into security risks, market risks, regulatory risks, and operational risks. Here’s a detailed look at each:

  1. Security Risks:
    • Hacking: The most significant risk for any online exchange is the threat of hacking. Even though KuCoin implements robust security measures, the possibility of a security breach always exists. A successful hack can lead to the loss of cryptocurrencies stored on the exchange.
    • Phishing Attacks: Users may be targeted by phishing scams, where they are tricked into revealing their login credentials or private keys.
    • Internal Fraud: There’s always a risk of internal fraud or misconduct by employees of the exchange.
  2. Market Risks:
    • Volatility: Cryptocurrencies are known for their high volatility. Sudden market shifts can significantly affect the value of assets held on the exchange.
    • Liquidity Issues: In certain situations, there might be liquidity issues, especially with less popular cryptocurrencies, making it hard to execute large orders without affecting the market price.
  3. Regulatory Risks:
    • Changing Regulations: The regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies is still evolving. New regulations or changes in existing laws can impact how exchanges operate, potentially affecting users.
    • Compliance Failures: If the exchange fails to comply with regulatory requirements, it might face penalties or be forced to shut down, affecting its users.
  4. Operational Risks:
    • Technical Failures: Issues like server downtime, software bugs, or other technical failures can hinder trading activities.
    • Customer Service Issues: Inefficient customer service can be a significant risk, especially in resolving disputes or addressing users’ concerns in a timely manner.
    • Asset Delisting: There’s always a risk that a particular cryptocurrency might be delisted from the exchange, forcing users to move their assets or liquidate them under less favorable conditions.
  5. Other Risks:
    • Dependence on Third Parties: Some services provided by KuCoin might depend on third-party service providers, introducing additional risks.
    • Investment Risks: Users need to be aware of the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrencies themselves, which can be high-risk investments.

It’s important for users of KuCoin or any other cryptocurrency exchange to conduct their due diligence, understand the risks involved, and take appropriate steps to mitigate these risks, such as using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping the majority of their funds in a secure, private wallet.

Why are there so many different Kucoin referral codes on the internet?

You may have searched on Google and seen several different Kucoin referral codes. This is because anyone can create a code and post it on the internet to get rewards.

For example, after creating your Kucoin account, when you go to the main menu, there is a referral option:

referral option on the internal menu

When you click there, you will see the “referral code” option and a new code to copy and share to your friends. The more people who sign up with your code, the more rewards you will earn.

That’s why so many people post their codes on the internet. The problem is, the advertisements are often untruthful. Do not believe in offers that promise unrealistic discounts with Kucoin codes.

Many people act dishonestly to try to convince users to sign up with their codes. For example, saying they will get 40%, 50% or more off by using their referral code. This is a lie. Kucoin limits the maximum discount to 20% for those who are creating a new account. You can check this information in the exchange’s official documentation.

The 40%, 50% figure refers to the commission rate the affiliate receives after someone signs up with their code, not the benefit the new user is receiving.

To be able to offer a 20% discount to your friends, you need to be approved as an affiliate. Otherwise, the limited discount you can offer your friends is 10%.

How to find out the real discount amount that was applied?

Do not believe empty promises, check for yourself what discount will be applied with the reference code entered. Notice that right after entering the code QBSSSCKP, this message appears: “You will enjoy a 20% discount on trading fees.” This is proof that the maximum discount will be obtained. Click “Sign Up” to confirm. We at have been approved as official affiliates and that is why we are able to offer such a good discount with the referral code QBSSSCKP.

Complete step by step to sign up for Kucoin with referral code in 2024:

  1. Go to the sign up page
  2. Select the email or phone option and enter your information
  3. Create a 10-32 character password
  4. Enter the Kucoin reference code QBSSSCKP
  5. Check that the discount message appears
  6. Accept the terms and conditions
  7. Click “Sign Up” to confirm

You will now have your account created and ready to buy your first cryptocurrencies.

Where to enter the reference code if I already have a Kucoin account?

Registration with a reference code can only be used with new accounts. If you have not used a referral code that offered discounts at registration and want to use it now, you will need to create a new account.

What is the Kucoin 2024 referral code?

This is the Kucoin referral code in 2024: QBSSSCKP. It works for futures, spot, derivatives and all other markets on the exchange. Use this invitation code for the best discount and bonus.

I clicked on a referral link and now I can’t change the code

If you clicked on a referral link from someone else, but the discount that appeared was not 20% (the best), close the window and open the registration page in another browser, or even in an anonymous tab in Google Chrome.

This way, the field to enter the reference code will be blank again and you can enter the code that guarantees the best possible discount in 2022: QBSSSCKP.

Okay, now that you know everything about Kucoin referral code and have created your account, the next step is to learn how to use the exchange.

Next steps to understand how Kucoin works

  1. Read the article Kucoin Tutorial for Beginners to learn all the features that Kucoin offers.
  2. See how Kucoin’s fees work.
  3. Understand all the details of the Kucoin affiliate program.
  4. Know the main statistics of the Kucoin exchange.

See also:

KuCoin Tutorial for Beginners

KuCoin is an exchange for all types of investors, so if you’re new to the area, here’s a beginner’s guide that will show you the entire process, from registration to trading on the platform.

To get started, you first need to register with the exchange. You can do this in two ways, by e-mail or phone number. See here how to perform the registration step by step. Make sure you use the referral code in this process.

After registration, it is important to protect your account and assets, so we recommend that you set your security settings and do KYC verification (identity verification). KYC verification will also be required to perform transactions on the platform.

Once this is done, there are two ways to then start trading: deposit funds (currency or cryptocurrency) or buy cryptos directly with a card. Let’s take a look at them one by one:

Depositing cryptos on KuCoin

If you already have cryptocurrencies, you can transfer them to the platform. To do this, you must first click on the wallet icon in the header and Deposit.

kucoin wallet tab

Then, on the Deposit tab, select the currency you will transfer and the network. Then copy your deposit address and paste it into the withdrawal platform (from where you are transferring).

kucoin deposit tab

ATTENTION: take care that the currency and network selected match the network of the address you entered.

KuCoin does not charge any fees for deposits, and they can take from minutes to hours, depending on the currency, to be processed. It is important to check which currencies are supported by the platform, and also that all the information (token, address, memo, tag, message) is entered correctly, otherwise these assets cannot be retrieved.

Depositing coins on KuCoin

If you do not yet own any cryptocurrency, you can make fiat currency deposits directly into KuCoin or via third-party payment gateways.

To do so, you must first click on the wallet icon in the header and Deposit. Then, on the Deposit tab, click on the Deposit Fiat button and fill in with your preferred currency and the available payment method.

depositing coins to kucoin

Buying cryptos on KuCoin

There are three ways to buy cryptos directly on Kucoin: Fast Trade, P2P and Third-Party.

kucoin buying options

Fast Trade: fast purchase with credit or debit card. See step-by-step here

P2P: peeer-to-peer purchase through various payment methods, such as BANK, Payeer, AirTM, Advcash, Uphold and others. In this method you choose an advertiser that is selling the cryptocurrency you want to buy and select one of the available payment methods.

Third-Party: buying through third-party gateways, such as Simplex and Banxa.

Trading cryptos at KuCoin

With the balance in your account, it’s time for trading. For starters, most start with spot trading, crypto-to-crypto. For advanced trades, there are the options of Margin Trading and Futures Trading.

As the idea here is to show beginners how to trade on the platform, we will show you step by step how to make a spot trade.

In the Trade menu, select the Spot Trading option.

kucoin spot trading

Select the crypto pair you want to trade. In the example below we have selected to trade KCS for BTC.

kucoin trading dashboard tokens

Then choose the order type and fill in the corresponding fields. KuCoin’s buy and sell order options are Limit, Market, Stop Limit and Stop Market.

But first, you will need to enter your transaction password, created there in the security settings.

security on kucoin trading

In the Limit order you will set a limit price (usually below the current market value) to buy or sell your cryptos. In the Market order, you buy or sell at the best current market price. And in the Stop Limit order you set a trigger price to buy or sell your cryptos at the set limit price. Still another option is the Stop Market order, where you set the trigger price to buy or sell your cryptos at the current market price.

limit orders kucoin

Each coin has a minimum value for trading, and fees start at 0.1%, but can be decreased by maintaining KCS or increasing trading volume.

Making cryptocurrency withdrawals at KuCoin

Just like depositing cryptos, withdrawing cryptos at KuCoin is very simple.

Click on the wallet icon in the header and Deposit.

deposit tab

On the Withdraw tab you will have the Withdraw Crypto and Withdraw Fiat options. Choose where you want to withdraw your funds from and fill in the corresponding fields, always paying attention to the correct typing of the information.

withdraw crypto on kucoin

choosing the coin to withdraw

And to confirm the deposit and withdrawal balance, click on the History tab (Deposit & Withdrawal).

Other KuCoin functionalities

Navigating through the platform menus, we see that it is also possible to perform transactions in Markets.

kucoin market watch

In the All tab it is possible to view the current values of cryptocurrencies and also perform actions buy call and put options in the Spot tab.

bitcoin and ethereum call put options on kucoin

Other trading options in the Trade menu, besides the one mentioned above (Spot Trading) are Margin Trading, Trading Bot and Convert. These trading markets, while they can amplify your profit, can also expose you to increased risk.

In margin trading the method is to use third-party funds to trade assets, as if it were a loan. One advantage is that it allows you to increase your main fund and use small funds as collateral to make more profit. However, the higher the leverage, the greater the losses, and it is therefore considered a high-risk investment.

kucoin margin trading

With Trading Bot you can set up a trading strategy and this free tool will repeat it constantly. This way you save time and energy and increase your profit by reducing trading risks.

kucoin trading bot

And finally, there is the Convert option, which is nothing more than a free tool for converting cryptos to other cryptos, without the need for spot market trading.

kucoin convert

In the Derivatives menu are the options for futures trading. Simply put, here you will be buying assets at a later date with a predetermined price at a also specified time, and the seller will have to make delivery of this asset under these conditions on this same date.

kucoin derivatives tab

In the Earn menu you will find KuCoin tools that will allow you to earn passive income. Learn more about KuCoin Earn by clicking here

kucoin earn tab

In the NFT menu you will find options of NFT tokens for trading.

kucoin nft tab

And finally, in the Wallet menu you will have access to the official KuCoin wallet, where you can send, receive and store your cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

kucoin wallet menu

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The KuCoin Affiliate Program

Have you ever thought about earning up to 45% of daily trading fees as commission at KuCoin just by referring friends? Yes, it is possible through the platform’s Affiliate Program. See how in this article.

Who can participate?

The criteria for participation in the KuCoin Affiliate Program is to have a community, media or other resources (such as websites, for example) about the crypto world.

Note: For youtubers, digital currency community leaders and content creators, you must have more than 5,000 followers on social networks, or a community with more than 500 members.

If you meet these requirements, register with Kucoin and join the program.

How does the program work?

After your registration is approved and you meet the above criteria, you will have access to an exclusive invitation link for promotion with your community and followers. For each user who registers on the platform and trades with your referral link, you will earn commissions, including Spot, Futures, and Margin trades. Also, if your guest also becomes an affiliate of the program, becoming a sub-affiliate, you will also receive 5% of his referral bonus.

You can also create special links with discount rate levels for your guests, ranging from 0% to 20%. This way you can receive a percentage of the commission while the remaining percentage is distributed to your guests as a discount. This can improve the efficiency of your invitations.

How are comissions calculated?

There are two affiliate levels in the program, which are analyzed and adjusted through quarterly evaluation.

Tier 1: entry level, with direct commissions at 40%.

Level 2: direct commissions at 45% on trades.

To become (and remain) a level 2, the criterion is to refer at least 100 new users every quarter, 20 of which must perform trades. If a level 2 fails to meet this criterion, in the following semester it will be downgraded to level 1.

*In the case of having a sub-affiliate, all trades made by users indicated by him/her will contribute with an additional 5% of commission for you, in addition to the percentage that you already receive from your referrals, depending on their level of affiliation. In other words, if you refer a guest and he refers another one, you are considered the main affiliate and your referral is the sub-affiliate, and he normally receives the percentage of his referral without being discounted from the 5% of your commission on him.

For how long do referrals generate commissions?

Commissions are generated during a period of 12 months by guests, starting from the official date of their registration on the platform.

The commission received will be paid on a weekly basis, and there is no limit to the number of guests an affiliate can refer, as well as to the total amount of commission, which is accumulated with each new guest, during the period mentioned above.

How do I invite people to sign up with my referrals?

You can refer people using a link or referral code. We created an article to explain how the referral code works.

See also:

How to create a KuCoin account

Creating a Kucoin account is very simple! On the homepage, click Sign Up.

kucoin signup

Fill in your phone number (country code + area code) and create a password of 10 to 32 characters, having uppercase, lowercase, number and not containing spaces. Check the box “I have read and agree to the Terms of Use” and click Sign Up.

basic infos

Notice that there is a field called “Referral Code (optional)“. If you use the Kucoin Referral Code QBSSSCKP you will get special discounts (20%) on the platform’s transaction fees.

Click on “I’m not a robot” and do the captcha verification.

Then enter the code you received via SMS into the corresponding field and click Activate Account. Note: the code is valid for 10 minutes, if you cannot complete the registration in this time, you will need to request it again.

activating account

Congratulations! Your account has been successfully created and you will be directed to the exchange’s main page.

sign up successful

You can now deposit cryptocurrencies into your account to start trading them, if you own cryptocurrencies on other exchanges or wallets. If not, you can buy some with your credit or debit card.

But first, to protect your account and assets, it is highly recommended to complete the security settings. To do this, click on the icon for your phone number and the Account Security menu.

kyc verification menu

Check the items in red one by one by clicking Configure next to each one.

security settings

Once this is done, you can use all the site’s tools, such as buying and selling cryptos by Fast Trade with a credit card or by the trading panel, choosing available cryptocurrency pairs.

buying crypto with fast trade

kucoin trade dashboard

See also:

What is KuCoin EARN?

KuCoin Earn is an equity management service platform created by the KuCoin exchange. Through it, users can use various financial products to increase the value of their holdings through staking profits and POL* income – calculated by the system and POL mining energy valuation.

Its products are highly flexible and diversified, with multiple skating options.

*Proof of Liquidity (POL) is a decentralized zero pre-mine token based on the TRON TRC-20 protocol, and issued by KuCoin Earn.

What kind of products does Earn offer?

Kucoin Earn provides both flexible-term and fixed-term products. For the first case, users can redeem their funds at any time. For the second case, funds are automatically redeemed into the user’s account upon maturity.

In terms of yield, fixed-term products are superior to flexible-term products.

How do I purchase the products in KuCoin Earn?

Simply hover your mouse cursor over a coin in KuCoin Earn to display all available products. Then click on the Transfer or Subscribe button on the chosen product and enter the purchase amount. There, you have purchased the product.

Where can I see the products I purchase in KuCoin Earn?

In your financial account, select a product type to view all the corresponding products you purchased. It’s as simple as that.

How do I redeem my funds in KuCoin Earn?

As stated earlier, funds from fixed-term products will be automatically redeemed into the user’s account upon maturity. For flexible term products, such as Flexible Savins and Staking, for example, simply click the Transfer or Redeem button.

Why do my interest payments fluctuate?

Fluctuations in returns are normal and depend on market conditions and changing trends in the cryptocurrency industry.

See also:

Kucoin KCS Bonus

KCS Bonus is an incentive mechanism of the Kucoin exchange for KCS token holders and Kucoin ecosystem builders, which allows obtaining daily passive income.

But what is KCS?

KuCoin Token (KCS) is Kucoin’s native ERC-20-type token (running on Ethereum), launched in 2017 as a profit sharing token, also used to reduce trading fees.

Based on the amount of KCS that users hold, KuCoin determines VIP levels, which will receive additional benefits and greater discounts on trading fees.

Holders of this token also get early access to token sales on blockchain projects launched on KuCoin Spotlight. This allows investors to enjoy a higher ROI than those who buy on secondary markets.

Where does this Bonus come from?

The KCS bonus comes from 50% of the platform’s daily trading fees. But the amount of rewards users will get will depend on the number of KCS held and the trading volume on the exchange.

How can I participate in the KCS Bonus Plan?

To get the bonus, users have to hold at least 6 KCS on Kucoin, in addition to linking their account by Google Verification or phone number.

And to be eligible, you can hold the KCS token in the main wallet, trading account or margin account. Please note that you will not receive the daily bonus if you wager your KCS on Kucoin Earn, only on the Kucoin Exchange.

How can I claim my bonus?

You can claim your KCS bonus daily from the app or from the website. In the app, just go to Home > KCS Bonus, and on the website click Asset Overview > My Bonus > KCS Bonus.

After 30 minutes your KCS bonus will be sent to your account upon request and will be distributed to your main Kucoin account.

See also:

What are the Kucoin fees

The fees charged at the Kucoin exchange depend on a few factors. We will understand what each one means below.

Amount of KCS

Kucoin has a token called KCS. If you have 1000 units or more of this token, you get special discounts on fees.

Payment of fees in KCS

When a trade is made with the KCS token, there is an extra 20% discount on fees.

Spot trading volume for the past 30 days

This is the calculation of the total financial volume traded on the spot market (buying and selling cryptocurrencies) for the past 30 days. The financial volume of each trade is counted in BTC.

For example: if a trade of buying ETH using USDC moved 1000 USDCs (equivalent to $1,000.00) and the price of 1 Bitcoin at that moment was $20,000.00, it means that the traded volume counted was 0.05 BTC.

Futures trading volume for the past 30 days

This is similar to the volume calculated in the spot market, but only accounts for trades made in the futures market section.


A Taker order is when you request a buy or sell without setting a price, just setting a “market order,” which basically executes the first buy or sell options in the order book.

A Maker order, on the other hand, is one where you set the buy or sell price, add the order to the order book and wait for it to be executed by someone interested in buying or selling at that specific amount.

The names “Taker” or “Maker” exist because one type of order takes liquidity out of the market, and the other type adds liquidity to the market.

The 12 fee levels

Kucoin has 12 fee levels, the higher the level, the lower the trading fee.

You can increase the level based on the factors mentioned above, as listed in the table below:

Fee level

KCS Holdings


Spot Trading Volume Last 30 Days (BTC)


Futures Trading Volume Last 30 Days (BTC)

Maker/ Taker

KCS Trading Maker/ Taker







0.1%/ 0.1%

0.08%/ 0.08%







0.09%/ 0.1%

0.072%/ 0.08%







0.07%/ 0.09%

0.056%/ 0.072%







0.05%/ 0.08%

0.04%/ 0.064%







0.03%/ 0.07%

0.024%/ 0.056%







0%/ 0.07%

0%/ 0.056%







0%/ 0.06%

0%/ 0.048%







0%/ 0.05%

0%/ 0.04%







-0.005%/ 0.045%

-0.005%/ 0.036%







-0.005%/ 0.04%

-0.005%/ 0.032%







-0.005%/ 0.035%

-0.005%/ 0.028%







-0.005%/ 0.03%

-0.005%/ 0.024%







-0.005%/ 0.025%

-0.005%/ 0.02%

In addition, registration made through a reference code also guarantees an extra discount that can reach up to 20% on fees.

See also:

What is the Kucoin API and what is it used for

If you are a new user to Kucoin, you may have seen the “Kucoin API” option on the exchange and been curious. When reading the official documentation, you may not have understood anything.

That’s why we are creating this article to help you understand what the Kucoin API is in a simple way.

What is an API?

First of all, you need to know what an API is. An API is for you to make quick and simple communications with some system.

For example, imagine your friend has created a cool program on his computer about nutrition, where the user enters some basic body information like weight and height and the program returns a diet suggestion.

This program could be put on a website, where several users around the world could use it.

But imagine that you have data from an entire class of students in an Excel file, and you don’t want to have to enter all the data manually on the website. The ideal solution would be to be able to automate this task, where you just submit all the data at once and the nutritional program returns all the results.

This would be possible through an API.

In other words, an API is an automated way to communicate with some software. You, who are going to use the API, want to create some simple programming code (like organizing the data in your Excel file and then submitting it to the nutrition site), and the site needs to be ready to receive these requests.

To make this possible, some programming language will be used, such as Python.

With Python, you use a visual interface (IDE), which you are used to writing your programs, and import a specific library that contains all the parameters to work with the API in question.

In the case of our nutrition program example, you would use some simple command in your code like:

import nutritionAPI

and then start using the API. Each time you run the code, this API would communicate with the server that owns the nutrition program.

If the API was well constructed, the commands would be as simple as:

diets = nutritionAPI(data)

that is, you would pass the students’ data and the function would return the diets, saving the result in the “diets” variable we created.

Back to the Kucoin API

Now that we understand what an API is, it’s easy to understand what the Kucoin API is. It is an automated way to communicate with the Kucoin cryptocurrency exchange.

Instead of manually logging into the exchange and performing your commands to make a trade, you can program everything using Python.

Why is this useful?

Imagine you want to create a trader bot that buys and sells bitcoin every time the price of two moving averages cross.

Simply create programming code using Python that defines when it is time to buy or sell (by calculating the moving averages) and execute the orders on the exchange using the API.

The Kucoin API returns various information, such as the price of the assets, so you can follow the price in real time, perform the calculations, and submit the orders to the exchange to make the trade.

How to use it in practice?

I mentioned in the example of the nutrition program that it would be necessary to import a library with the API in question. In the case of Kucoin, this is the Python library:

In this same Github repository there are code examples showing how to make the requests and what results are returned.

Kucoin also allows its API to be used with other programming languages besides Python, such as Java, PHP, GO and Nodejs.

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Kucoin Fast Trade (Fast Buy)

The Kucoin Fast trade, also called Fast Buy, is a way to buy cryptocurrencies with just one click, using any of more than 70 payment methods.

Kucoin developed this option for people who are new to the crypto market and who also have no experience with investments or the stock market.

Buying on Kucoin Fast trade in 3 steps:

  • Step 1: make your registration at the Kucoin exchange, entering your email or phone number;
  • Step 2: enter your personal information and verify your identity;
  • Step 3: choose your card or payment method and click “buy” to buy cryptocurrencies with one click.

The fast trade option is located at the top left corner of Kucoin’s main menu, after clicking on “Buy Crypto”:

selecting fast trade option on the menu

After clicking on “Fast Trade”, this window will open, where you can enter how many dollars you want to invest and choose which cryptocurrency you want to buy:

buying bitcoin on kucoin fast trade

Note that in this example above I am buying $1,000.00 worth of Bitcoins (BTC) paying with a Visa/Master card. As the Bitcoin price in this example was $19,686.05, my purchase resulted in 0.050797 bitcoins. The math was:

$1,000/($19,686.05/BTC) = 0.050797 BTC

In the new example below, I am buying 1,000.00 Euros worth of Ethereum (ETH):

buying eth on kucoin fast trade

Since the Ethereum price was very close to 1,000.00 Euros per ETH, this resulted in almost 1 ETH.

Which payment methods are accepted on Kucoin Fast Buy?

Any credit, debit or prepaid card issued by Visa and MasterCard are accepted. It is also possible to use Paypal and other intermediary platforms.

What are the limits of Fast Buy?

Each trade needs to be between $5-5,000.00. The transaction fee will appear on the screen before you confirm.

Congratulations, now you know how to use Kucoin’s Fast Trade option!

See also: